25 Beautiful 15 Year Anniversary Quotes And Wishes

25 Beautiful 15 Year Anniversary Quotes And Wishes

happy 15th wedding anniversary images

Here you can find happy 15th wedding anniversary and 15th wedding anniversary images and 15 years of togetherness quotes and Quotes for 15th wedding anniversary

15th wedding anniversary wishes

Happy Anniversary my love! I thank God for placing such an amazing man by my side! Thank you for never giving up on us during the rough times. You have stood by my side through the good and the bad. Never gave up on me when I needed you the most! Thank you for being with me during my sick times. Thank you for always making me feel beautiful even when I didn’t feel or looked it. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS COULD EVER EXPRESS. Happy anniversary😍

Our Relationship is meant to be. Something that was written in the stars and drawn into our destiny.”

I do pray that God keeps us in His blessing and may our marriage last forever. 💏 May God shower our marriage with love, kindness & happiness. May God protect us from anything that will harm our family. May God always give His blessing to our family. May God let me be your wife forever till my last breath. Dear beloved husband, thank you for everything. Happy Anniversary

happy 15th anniversary images

Happy 15th wedding anniversary wishes

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MY LOVE… We have been married now for 15 incredible years, dating for 2 years, and have experienced so much amazing life together! We have 2 beautiful children, have traveled the world, and quite literally built our foundation! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and look forward to all the adventures this world will bring us! Let’s live this thing called life together!!!❤️ Happy anniversary

Celebrating 15 years today with the man I love. A decade of memories that got us here today. Through it all the good, the bad, the happy & sad there’s one thing that remains. You are my constant. The one I can lean on. The one I adore and respect. The one that drives me crazy… in the best and worst of ways. I love you so much. In more ways, this post could ever describe and I’m so grateful every day for you in my life. So while the world takes a cheer & helps count it down… I take a moment to remember all the reasons I threw on this ol’ gown! I love you! Happy Anniversary! My lover, my man, my snoring bear, my rock, my sounding board, my best friend, my partner, my ride or die for life. Happy anniversary

15 year wedding anniversary images

Happy Anniversary Love… 15 years down and forever to go…after all we’ve been through both the ups and downs, I’m truly grateful, that we reached this milestone of togetherness Of tripping and fumbling through whatever life had thrown at us but always catching each other, propping each other up and standing closer, stronger and still growing. I trust in our love and have faith in God to always show us the right way. Most importantly and most graciously, today I give thanks to the Lord for you and our precious boys and pray that He will always protect us. Happy Anniversary my love❤️ Looking forward to many more years… together in adversity and prosperity as promised. Happy anniversary

15 year of togetherness quotes

God does have it all worked out. The gaps are filled. Needs met. Fully. Completely. Perfectly. In Him. With Him. By Him. For He has made everything beautiful in His time. 15th years of togetherness Finally! Happy anniversary to my love

15 years ago, our young, fly, naïve, infatuated selves unhesitatingly said “I Do” before we even knew what those words really entailed. I am so grateful for the 15-year journey we have gone on together figuring out the beauty, the messy, the difficult, and the immense joy that “I do” actually means. I’m most grateful that 15 years after “I Do,” lots of wild roller coaster rides, fun memories, lessons learned, and 2 angels later, we still choose each other every day ☺.  Happy 15th Wedding Anniversary to my sexy, passionate hubby! Happy 15th Wedding Anniversary❤😘

15th wedding anniversary quotes for wife

Happy 15th Anniversary to the love of my life. You can never have a strong man without a strong woman. I thank God for who you are. Through it all I know I have a pillar of support in you. I thank God for I know that I can always count on you. I have a friend indeed. Happy Anniversary my dear wife. 

As a young 19-year-old, I had no clue what the future would hold for either one of us – but I knew that day when we met, something felt different and felt right♥️.

Happy anniversary, sweetheart. I love you♥️… Happy 15th-anniversary bae

happy 15th anniversary image

Happy 15th Anniversary to my Queen, my best friend, and my wife for putting up with me every single day (year after year after year), and God willing there are many more chapters and verses left in our marriage till Kingdom Come!❤

Happy 15th Anniversary to us my love❤️, We have made some amazing memories together! I wouldn’t want to make them with anyone else! Here is too many, many more! 😘 Happy anniversary

15th wedding anniversary quotes for husband

We’ve begun our journey 15 years ago and it has been quite a good one with a lot of crossroads to take. I still feel blessed that God has given us a baby boy, a fruit of our vow made on this day 2 years ago. Together let’s face the challenges that await us. I am just so happy that you are here with me. 15 years of happy anniversary.

I met this beauty 17 years ago. I asked her for her hand in marriage 15 years ago. I am eternally grateful to God for sending you into my life. What a precious woman, wife, & mother you are. I love you! Happy 15th-anniversary baby💝

15th wedding anniversary wishes for husband

You’ve been a motivation in my life… A person I could talk to about my dreams..showed me what it’s like to be embraced as a man… Your man… And now after tonight… Your husband… When I look into your eyes I can see forever… And I want that with you.❤️💍Happy 15 years of happiness

Happy Anniversary to Us, I bless God for blessing me with you. We Thank God for carrying us to this point, it takes effort and hard work. God bless us for life. May we continue to make an impact in special ways in Jesus’s name. Happy 15th Anniversary to us

Happy Anniversary Bae♥ 15 Years Strong. Words can’t articulate the depth of love we have and share. What word could describe your sweet spirit? What words would adequately express the way you nurture our babies, keep our home & always put us first? Exactly! There are none. Oh, here’s one Indescribable ❤️❤️❤️

Truly a blessing to have you as my soulmate, my wifey, my bestie, and my business partner. We made 15 years of marriage today and It’s been nothing less than amazing. You helped shape me into the man I am today and you are even more beautiful as the first day I saw you in the yard. Ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wide enough from keeping me from getting to you baby. Happy Anniversary babe and love you until eternity. Happy 15th Anniversary

Happy 15th Anniversary Wishes

We have been with each other for the past 15 years and counting. I’m so glad that we made it🙂. Thank you for existing in my life and thank you for loving me so much🤗😘. Happy 15th Anniversary baby❤ loves you😘.

Happy Anniversary to my handsome hubby. So thankful to celebrate another year with you. You’re my favorite husband! There’s no one I’d rather sit on the couch watching TV with. Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me, but then I remember that I put up with you too, so that makes us even. Even though your snoring drives me crazy, I wouldn’t pick anyone else in the world to share my bed with. Happy 15th-anniversary hubby😘 here’s to many more

❤️I love that you are my king and I am your queen 👸 that whatever door we will open together “ 15 years strong on this day!!! Happy 15th Anniversary.

Wishing the love of my life a happy 15th Anniversary! Could not imagine my life without you! Happy 15th Anniversary and many more to come

Happy 15th Anniversary husband

Happy 15th Anniversary Hubby🎉. May God continue to bless our marriage with love and laughter. Thank you for being the best husband a woman could ever hope to have. On our anniversary I want to remind you that there’s no one in the world I would rather spend my life with than you.😍 Happy 15th Anniversary hubby🎉 Love You so much.

Today is our 15th wedding anniversary! We had no clue what life would have in store for us but God sure has been good, has been faithful to us, and has remained the center of our relationship! 

You are by no means perfect🤦🏾‍♀️ (neither am I) but I am so grateful to have you as my husband and for the love, support and stability you’ve provided. I love that I still love coming home to you😅(that is not everybody’s testimony) and that we love each other more today than ever before… not a flighty childish infatuation but a true love tried by fire! Cheers to us! 🍻 Happy 15th Anniversary to us

I love you more than there are… grains of sand on the beach, fish in the sea, waves in the ocean💙 Happy 15th Anniversary

15th wedding anniversary images

Happy 15th anniversary to my husband

It is been 15 years when we first met…
It is been 15 years when I felt the love…
And it is been 15 years when you treated me I’m your princess…
Thank you for these 15 wonderful years…
I love you every day, even tomorrow… And till eternity
I love you very much baby. Happy 15th years of togetherness.

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